Today's New Release is the second installment in the 'Pretend Play' series by Growing Pains Scrapped. If you haven't already checked out "Pretend Play - Shopping" you should head over to the Growing Pains Scrapped store and take a peek at it here:
New this week is "Pretend Play - Backyard." This playful kit is a perfect compliment to the other Pretend Play kits. In "Pretend Play - Backyard" you will find all the fun outdoor elements you need to scrap your spring and summer play pictures. This kit includes a tree house, bikes, trikes, wagons, play cars like the 'Cozy Coupe', tire swings, trampolines, balls, bubbles and so much more. You will have tons of fun playing with this fun, outdoor play themed kit.

Here are some fabulously fun pages by the Creative Team:

Make sure to join the Growing Pains Scrapped Facebook FanGroup as there are exclusive freebies, contests and giveaways only for members of the group!