Our Annual Next Designer Contest kicks off September 1, 2011.
No need for sign ups, just post your Round 1 entry in Next Designer Contest Gallery by September 5, 2011 no later than Midnight (24:00) EST and you will automatically be listed as a competitor.
All challenges will be posted 6:00 a.m. EST and due by Midnight (24:00) EST per the scheduled dates:Intro’s begin August here in the Forum, through Round 1Round 1: Challenge begins Sept. 1st, Due Sept 5thRound 2: Challenge begins Sept. 8th, Due Sept 12thRound 3: Challenge begins Sept. 15th, Due Sept 19thRound 4: Challenge begins Sept 22nd, Due Sept 26thWinner announced Sept 30thThe contest is open to anyone interested in becoming a Designer, whether you are brandnew, established or even just for fun!
Our top 10 finalists from Round 3 will all win an exclusive, brandnew, CU Grab Bag from theStudio Designers.
Our top three finalist from Round 4 will win Designer Contracts at theStudio as well as a bamboo wacom pen tablet.

Each week from September 1st you will be given a kit to create a layout with, the idea is to use as much of the kit as you can to promote it to the best of your ‘layout artist’ ability .You will receive 5 kits in total, one per week. Each week the members will vote on the contestants’ layouts. Elimination details will be posted each week at the beginning of that week’s round.
The main aim is to have fun and show off your amazing and varied talents! Sign up now if you are interested in this awesome contest!
We have a Shutterfly Photobook voucher for the winner, plus the top 3 will be offered a position on theStudio Store Creative Team.
CT Requirements at theStudio are 2 layouts per kit chosen from a list every fortnight, at least one kit per list.Posting layouts in theStudio Gallery, DST and at least 2 other digital scrapbooking site galleries.
You may also create layouts with our fabulous Monthly Mega Kit, but this is optional. Helping out when we have events is also optional.